Brewster: Domingo Hunting Bill Signed into Law

Brewster: Domingo Hunting Bill Signed into Law

Harrisburg – Noviembre 27, 2019—Legislation permitting hunting on three Sundays throughout the year was signed into law today by Gov. Tom Wolf, according to Sen. Jim Brewster (D-Allegheny/Westmoreland.)

Brewster co-prime sponsored the measure (Senate Bill 147) along with Sen. Dan Laughlin (R-Erie.)

This bill provides for hunting on three Sundays: one during rifle deer season, one in statewide archery deer season and a third to be determined by the Pennsylvania Game Commission.

The bill also makes trespassing while hunting a primary offense and increases the penalties for trespassing.  It also requires written permission from a landowner to hunt on any of the Sundays.

Brewster’s statement on the signing follows:

“This bill is a result of a collaborative effort of major stakeholders. This new law will create opportunities for hunters in Pennsylvania to get into the field and generate additional revenue that can be used to address chronic wasting disease which is fatal to deer and elk.

“I want to thank Senator Dan Laughlin, supporters in the state House, and all who are interested in Domingo hunting for their advocacy of this important legislation.”


Domingo Hunting Bill Headed to Governor’s Desk for Enactment into Law

Domingo Hunting Bill Headed to Governor’s Desk for Enactment into Law

Harrisburg – Noviembre 18, 2019 – Legislation that would empower the Pennsylvania Game Commission to allow hunting on up to three Sundays each year received final legislative approval on Lunes (Noviembre 18) and was sent to the Governor for enactment into law, according to Senators Dan Laughlin (R-49) and Jim Brewster (D-45).

“Today was a historic vote. We are now just one step away from increasing recreational opportunities for the thousands of Pennsylvania sportsmen and women who enjoy hunting,” said Senator Laughlin, prime cosponsor of the bill and Chairman of the Senate Game & Fisheries Committee. “This has been a long time coming and is truly a tribute to the thousands of hunters and the many organizations who have supported this effort.”

“This bill is a result of collaborative effort of the major stakeholders that had an interest Domingo hunting. And will not only create opportunities for hunters- men and women, young and old to get out into Pennsylvania’s great outdoors,” said Senator Brewster, Democratic Chairman of the Senate Game & Fisheries Committee and prime cosponsor of the bill. “Also, it will generate additional revenue that we can hopefully use to solve CWD, which is fatal to deer and elk.

Senate Bill 147 provides for hunting on three Sundays: one during rifle deer season, one during the statewide archery deer season and one on a Domingo determined by the Game Commission. The bill also amends the Pennsylvania Game Code to make trespassing while hunting a primary offense and increase the penalties for the offense.

“Weekends are the only free time for many hunters,” Senator Laughlin said. “Those two days are essentially the only time that most working men and women can get out into the woods. The same could be said for many young people, the ones who represent the future of the sport. Lifting the ban will give them increased opportunities to pursue the activity that they love.”

The bill also provides that written permission of the landowner is required to hunt on private property on any of the Sundays being added to the expanded Domingo hunting provisions. The penalty for a violation of this provision will be a summary offense of the third degree.

Additionally, Senate Bill 147 requires the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee to perform a financial analysis of the Game Commission’s fees, fines, penalties, royalties, Federal and state appropriations and other sources of revenue received by the commission, and of expenditures, including annual operating costs, investments, land purchases and capital projects, within 180 days after the bill is enacted.

Brewster: El Senado aprueba el proyecto de ley sobre la caza dominical

Brewster: El Senado aprueba el proyecto de ley sobre la caza dominical

Harrisburg - 26 de junio de 2019 - La legislación para permitir la caza en tres domingos durante todo el año fue aprobada hoy por el Senado en una votación de 36-14 según el senador Jim Brewster (D-Allegheny/Westmoreland), uno de los principales patrocinadores del proyecto de ley.

"Se trata de una legislación increíblemente importante para los deportistas de Pensilvania", declaró Brewster. "La apertura de determinados domingos para la caza estimulará el interés por este deporte, aumentará el número de cazadores, retendrá a los cazadores del estado y atraerá a hombres y mujeres de otros estados".

La legislación especifica que la caza se realizará en tres días: un día durante la temporada de rifle de ciervo, un día durante la temporada de tiro con arco de ciervo y otro día seleccionado por la Comisión de Caza.  

Brewster dijo que la medida generaría ingresos adicionales para la comisión. Dijo que estos ingresos ayudarán a apuntalar las finanzas y promover nuevas iniciativas. 

El proyecto de ley también incluye nuevas disposiciones para garantizar que se aborda el problema de la intrusión. El legislador dijo que se había pedido ayuda a las organizaciones que representan a los agricultores para redactar el texto. 

Brewster se asoció con el senador Dan Laughlin (R-Erie) para patrocinar la medida. Brewster aplaudió Laughlin por su trabajo y liderazgo en el proyecto de ley. 

"El senador Laughlin ha hecho un excelente trabajo, buscando puntos en común y sacando adelante la legislación", declaró Brewster. 

Brewster dijo que uno de los mayores activos que tenemos son los terrenos de caza estatales. Los terrenos de caza fueron pagados por los cazadores y ayudan a mantener espacios abiertos para la caza y el ocio. 

"Como deportista de toda la vida, aprecio enormemente los recursos naturales de Pensilvania", dijo Brewster. "Tenemos que hacer más para preservar los hábitats naturales, promover la conservación y las prácticas seguras de gestión de la fauna salvaje".

La Comisión de Caza posee y mantiene casi 1,5 millones de acres de terrenos de caza estatales.

"Nuestros cazadores han apoyado los esfuerzos de conservación en el pasado y tenemos que encontrar formas de animar a más cazadores a que adopten este deporte", declaró Brewster. "La caza dominical es una forma excelente de estimular el interés por la caza y atraer a más jóvenes".

El proyecto de ley pasa ahora a la Cámara de Representantes del estado para su estudio.



Brewster Applauds Approval of Domingo Hunting Bill

Brewster Applauds Approval of Domingo Hunting Bill

Legislation will be brought to a vote in the Senate

Harrisburg – Junio 20, 2019 – Sen. Jim Brewster (D-Allegheny/Westmoreland) applauded the passage of his Domingo Hunting Bill (Senate Bill 147) out of the Senate Appropriations Committee. The legislation, which would authorize the Game Commission to allow Domingo hunting in Pennsylvania for up to three Sundays, will be brought to the Senate floor for a vote.

“I am happy the Appropriations Committee realized the benefits of allowing Domingo hunting in Pennsylvania,” said Brewster. “Increased tourism to our state game lands, increased revenue from hunting licenses, and providing working hunters a little extra time to enjoy their sport are all positive impacts of SB147.”

Brewster authored the legislation with Sen. Dan Laughlin (R-Erie) to start a dialogue on the number of established hunting days, the process of managing public lands, protections for farmers and their crops, and how to combat chronic wasting disease that effects Pennsylvania’s deer herd. The way the bill will be amended would permit hunting on three Sundays throughout the year.

“We set out to start a conversation and I believe the approval of the bill is a positive sign that the conversation has been successful,” said Brewster. “If we are going to be a state that values the environment and conservation efforts to protect it, allowing Domingo hunting is a revenue stream that we must tap into.”

Brewster is confident that allowing the Game Commission to open state game lands for three Sundays per year will combat the decrease in hunting license sales, encourage Pennsylvania hunters to hunt in-state, and attract out-of-state hunters for weekend trips. These three aspects will bring increased revenue for conversation initiatives championed by the Game Commission and support rural communities near state game lands.
