Brewster: Tax Relief, Education Funding, Jobs Creation Focus of Budget Plan

Harrisburg – Marzo 3, 2015 – Sen. Jim Brewster (D-Allegheny/Westmoreland) said that Gov. Tom Wolf’s budget that is focused on tax relief, education funding and job creation would help rebuild the middle class and address key issues that have plagued Pennsylvania.

Wolf called for a General Fund spending plan that totals $29.8 billion which is a modest 2.7 percent increase from last year’s budget. Wolf inherited a $2.3 billion structural deficit, cash flow shortages, credit rating declines and a daunting job creation deficit from Gov. Tom Corbett.

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The plan calls for $3.8 billion in property tax relief, $1 billion more for education, $1.675 billion in job creation plus restoration of social safety net funding cut by former Gov. Tom Corbett. In the speech, the governor referenced Brewster’s liquor modernization proposal. He calls for revenues generated from the plan to address pension funding liabilities.

Brewster issued the following statement with his initial reaction to the budget plan immediately after the governor made his 2015-16 budget speech to a joint session of the General Assembly:

“The governor’s budget plan addresses issues that have burdened middle-class families for years. Providing property tax relief, new school funding and focusing on job creation is a welcome departure from the incrementally bad budgets Pennsylvania citizens experienced in recent years under Governor Corbett.

“Governor Wolf has many challenges to confront and his bold budget provides policy options for lawmakers to consider. Substantial property tax relief – an average of $1,000 per home — driven back to homeowners, plus the new $1 billion for schools are key elements of this proposal. Closing business tax loopholes to ratchet-down the Corporate Net Income Tax will help the economy and provide certainty.”


Brewster on Corbett Budget: “Don’t use Students as Pawns in Liquor Privatization Battle”

Harrisburg, Febrero 5, 2013 – State Sen. Jim Brewster (D-Allegheny/Westmoreland) today provided the following statement about Gov. Tom Corbett’s 2013-14 budget proposal:

“I am encouraged by the governor’s interest in providing $90 million more state dollars to our public schools. I believe this renewed commitment is a healthy sign that he now recognizes that his previous two budgets shortchanged schools by $900 million and spurred steep property tax hikes across the state.

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Sen. Brewster’s Floor Remarks on 2013-14 State Budget :: Febrero 6, 2013

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While I am pleased that the governor is trying to make amends and wants to more adequately fund schools, I am disappointed that he is proposing that some of the additional funding be contingent upon legislative approval of his liquor privatization and pension funding schemes. The education of our children is too important to be used as a bargaining chip.

Since the governor took office, test scores have fallen, 80 percent of school districts have raised local taxes and 15,500 jobs have been lost. Our children are our greatest resource and they deserve to receive the best education available, which is contingent upon fully-funded budgets.

While I was pleased with some of the ideas in today’s budget proposal, I hope we can provide additional support to schools and make a greater investment in our infrastructure, proven economic development and job creation programs.

As we were able to do the past two years, I look forward to working with my fellow lawmakers – both Democrats and Republicans – in the months ahead to improve on the governor’s budget proposal and restore dollars to numerous important programs and services.”

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Sen. Brewster’s Reaction to Governor’s Budget Address :: Febrero 5, 2013

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