Brewster Re-appointed Secretary of Port Authority Board

Harrisburg – Enero 31, 2014 – State Sen. Jim Brewster has been re-appointed secretary of the board of the Port Authority of Allegheny County.

PortAuthority“As a member of the Senate Transportation Committee and former mayor of an economically struggling city in the Mon Valley, I understand the importance of an efficient and effective public transportation system,” Brewster (D-McKeesport) said. “A well-run public transit system essential for the economic, social and environmental health of a region.”

Brewster formerly served as mayor of McKeesport. In the Senate, the Mon Valley lawmaker has been a strong proponent of the recently-passed transportation investment plan and continues to be an advocate of investing in public transit.

As a part of the new $2.3 billion transportation investment plan, public transit agencies will see a projected $476 million funding bump by the fifth year of the program.

“The new funding for public transportation is one of the most important aspects of the new transportation law,” Brewster said. “It is imperative that those of us who serve on the Port Authority board continue to examine ways to utilize the new funding so that transit users throughout the county receive maximum benefit.

“As a result of this new law, there will be stable funding for public transportation for the foreseeable future.”

Each day, the Port Authority of Allegheny County provides public transportation to an estimated 230,000 riders throughout Pittsburgh and Allegheny County. The Authority employs about 2,400 people.
